
galianthusVerdure, n. The fresh green color of growing things: greenness; extremely lush vegetation; a fresh, healthy or flourishing condition.

You have found VERDURE, the blog of Colleen Miko, a passionate gardener, crafter and all around student of life.  I hope you’ll enjoy reading about topics that range from plants to books, insects to mosaics, horticulture to sustainable floral arrangements.  I’m inspired by the complexity of nature and the creativity of mankind.  Thank you for joining me in my daily appreciation of the wondrous things in life and exploring our role in protecting them. We can save the planet one garden at a time!

Colleen Miko has enjoyed a varied career in horticulture, including being the former Horticulture Educator for WSU Kitsap Extension, where she taught nearly 300 Master Gardener and Rain Garden Mentor volunteers.  In her work as landscape designer, she created winning  gardens for the NW Flower & Garden Show and HGTV show “Landscaper’s Challenge”.  Colleen’s latest project is Planted, a new garden video series with Bremerton Kitsap Access Television (BKAT), where she serves as production team member and co-host.  She has a MS Agriculture from Washington State University, is a Certified Professional Horticulturist (CPH) and freelance garden writer who journals to document and enjoy her garden and life experiences.2009 NEW WSNLA logo

Please, be my guest in using any of my ideas for personal use, but please do not copy my crafts, photographs or writing for sale or reprint without my permission.